Best tips to improve senior management quality of communication
Communication is the process of transferring information from one entity or group to another. This can happen in many different ways, including spoken or written word, visual means, sound, sign language and nonverbal communication. Communication is a fundamental process that occurs between people in all types of relationships.
Communication is the transfer of information between people. The purpose of communication is to inform, to persuade, to express oneself, to ask questions, to respond, to share, to collaborate and to influence.
Senior management quality of communication is not a new subject and many health related ventures already having some knowledge of the topic. However, too many healthcare organizations are still far from realizing the true value of quality communication. Indeed, many companies have a poor understanding of what quality communication really is, how it can be measured, and how it can be used to drive, improve business performance and sustain growth.
Communication, Collaboration and the Endless Quest for Quality
Complexity in our daily life seems to continue to intensify, and yet what really matters has remained the same. It is important that we continue to work together and communicate through all of the different channels to ensure that not only are our customer’s needs being met, but that we are delivering quality at every step of the way.
Quality is an essential part of what we’re all. For an individual with clear goals and with no personal agenda, quality of communication has a clear meaning, like:
“Feeling as though a significant amount of my workday is spent on emails, managing phone calls, and collaborating with coworkers to improve processes and customer service, I’ve started to reflect on what it is that we are all trying to achieve. And while the things we’re trying to do are always changing, the one thing that needs to remain the same is constant communication and collaboration.”
Communications processes in companies are often either inefficient or ineffective. The information flow has been a problem for many individuals, teams and organizations. Team Communication is the only way to survive in a competitive environment. A good communication process increases the level of motivation of the team and the commitment of the employees to the company. It is a powerful tool for leadership and facilitates the creation of a shared vision.
Good communication goals have a specific understanding. There are things such as bringing respect and positivity and spreading meaningful messages to increase results in the long run.
Positive communication practices aim to respect and connect
Quality communication practices have specific goals. Those goals include respect, connection, and meaning. One must always follow quality communication practices and be able to understand how such changes can affect one another. People want their opinions to be heard and they want to be given a sense of purpose. Having a connection is important, especially if it means that both people can communicate with one another on topics or situations that are necessary to achieve goals.
A successful senior management team needs to be able to communicate clearly with employees, partners, and customers. Senior management quality of communication plays a very important part in establishing and maintaining employee motivation and quality of customer service. For example, wrong communication can lead to resentment in staff, who will lose motivation as a result and this will cause a drop in quality customer service.
Top 5 behaviors of the best executives (and senior management representatives)
- Executives communicate with one another proactively and on a regular basis. They are open about their strengths and use these to help others on the team succeed and grow.
- Executives hold one-on-one discussions with each other regularly and are open to feedback. They discuss both what is going well and opportunities for improvement.
- Executives embrace diversity and view conflicts that arise as opportunities for healthy debate, fresh perspectives, and new ideas.
- Executives hold themselves and others accountable for achieving results. They are willing to step back, look at the broader picture, and ask others to do the same.
- Executives practice preventive leadership claiming responsibility of failure that occur even they are due to circumstances beyond the control of leaders, including the absence of necessary resources.
Most companies are aware of the importance of communication for better management of projects, teams, processes, quality and people. What most companies also miss is the role of communication for success in the top management and answer to a few basic questions: what is effective communication for senior executives, what are the key elements of effective communication styles and the skills and competencies required to be a good communicator?
It is crucial to understand how communication practices are important and should be carried out with respect, particularly when talking about sensitive matters. One must also remember how the communication practice reflects upon the people involved, including themselves.
Communication is a something most people take for granted but it is something of a skill that most people need to have to be seen as being most effective within a senior management position.
What are the best ways to communicate with my senior management team?
Communication plays a key role in any company, so it is critical for managers to find a way to effectively communicate with their senior management team. Even if your team is small, you need to know how to get your message across in an effective way.
Here are some great ways to communicate with your senior management team:
- Regular, scheduled meetings. This is the best way to ensure everyone on the team is receiving the same communication and it also allows for more in-depth conversations.
- Try holding a short meeting each morning with your team for updates. Even if you don’t have time for an in-depth meeting, send out an email with updates and being transparent.
- Communication should be clear and concise. This way employees get to know what to work on and your job gets done more efficiently.
How can senior management communicate better with teams?
Today, organizations are more hierarchical than they have been historically and not as open to their employees. One way for senior management to communicate more effectively with their employees is to use people-less (one-to-one), acronym-less, and jargon-less language. Another way would be to maintain a productive work environment by listening without interrupting. Another approach is to agree to unspoken rules of communication to help everyone feel safe.
Communication skills in business
The first area that managers should focus on is communication. A large majority of employees agree that communication skills can make or break a leader. But what are the signs of strong communication? Here are the top three:
- Openness: The ability to be open to what others have to say and what others think as you are able to listen to the needs of others.
- Sincerity: The sincere commitment to a company’s values, principles, and philosophy as well as reflecting the company’s culture.
- Patience: The ability to meet others at their level as you guide conversations and grow the relationship.
Communication can occur in a wide variety of forms, from the spoken word, to written words, to signs, to body language. Taking the blame, altogether; for failures and setbacks is a supreme expression of leadership, is courageous, and honest. Consequently, it indicates personal growth and intellectual development. Quality communication eliminate excuses and build trust between individuals, teams, and business units. Management should make sure that information constantly ripples from top to bottom and that transparency exists.
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed on PharmaRead are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of any agency or organization. PharmaRead articles are provided for information only with focus on global health, pharmacy practice, and healthcare systems in Low- and Middle-income Countries (LMICs). Readers should seek expert opinion for use, implementation or application of this knowledge based on their individual circumstances.